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Civil Disobedience

     Since our forefathers have given us not a privilege, but a right to petition and protest.  According to the Declaration of Independence, these rights were given to us by the Creator and cannot be taken away because they are “unalienable”.  Since this is the virtue that we have valued for centuries, I do not understand why it is looked upon as a nuisance and disturbance.

     Various social movements have started from a lack of control or change of a certain issue.  The idea of a social movement is to inform the people in power of a dilemma involving a great part of the population.  The bigger the movement is, the more the political leaders are obligated to listen.  When causes for equality the social classes or the genders are fought for, their voices are heard and changes are made.  We are able to move past this transgression and progress as a nation but it seems that when a social movement’s main argument is about race or oppression, their claims are easily dismissed as way of not causing an uproar in our communities.

     A current social movement called, “Black Lives Matter” serves destroy racial inequality, stereotypical views and police brutality against African-Americans.  Recently, a number of African-American males were murdered by the hands of Caucasian police officers who were under the suspicion of threatening behavior when in actuality, they were innocent people minding their own business.  A number of these occurrences happened in a span of months.  African-Americans and people of other races everywhere have rallied and protested the unjust outcomes for the blatant murder the officers committed.

     Some people 



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