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Introduction (America’s Downfall):


     King George III regarded the colonists as his subjects and nothing more.  He treated them poorly and did not care for their well being, for he felt that they were not equal.  So the colonists reached their climax and decided that they were tired of being the King’s pawns which ultimately sent them over the brink to create their own country named “America”.  This country was supposed to be revolutionary in the way the government operated and valued its citizens' voices, giving everyone an equal chance at living peacefully and prosperously, no matter what race, gender or other classification.  This was supposed to be America at its best; a true democracy that awards everyone with unalienable rights from the Creator and a fighting chance to thrive and succeed without the judgment or categorization of anyone who does not necessarily approve.  The colonists knew how it felt to be oppressed but little do they know that their descendents are exhibiting the exact same behaviors and demeanors as the King did long ago.

     It seems as if America’s value system has come crashing down and burned to ashes along with the Constitution.  The Constitution was made set the standard of equality amongst people but apparently it was only written for Caucasian Americans and anyone else who has white privilege.  Everyone else outside of that category does not receive that same treatment.  African-Americans, for example, have been racially profiled and and dehumanized ever since enslavement during the Civil War to present day.  Nothing has changed in terms of the stereotypical views on African-Americans, racial slurs and remarks and treatment in everyday life.  Just because the chains were broken does not mean that racism died too, it just shapeshifted into an indistinguishable and almost invisible entity that still plagues the minds of the people in power.  With that, they do everything in that power to constantly remind African-Americans and other People of Color of their supposed “inferiority”, whether it’s racially, socially, financially, emotionally, verbally and even physically.




     The injustices in our supposed “justice” system are prevalent throughout the decade.  There have multiple crimes involving Caucasians committing massacres all over America.  Take into consideration the shooting in Aurora, Colorado in 2012.  James Eagan Holmes, heavily armed with a rifle, a shotgun and two pistols, infiltrated “The Dark Knight Rises” screening and shot rounds of bullets at the audience, murdering 12 people and injuring 50 people.  He was not killed or injured by the police, only arrested.  Why is it that a deranged criminal who nearly kills 20 people is only arrested but an innocent bystander who happens to be African-American is gunned down like an animal.


African-Americans in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time:


     Lately, people have viciously angry at the cases of Michael Brown in Ferguson and the case of Eric Garner in New York.  On August 9, 2014, Caucasian Officer Darren Wilson gunned down African-American teenager, Michael Brown.  This occurred after Brown surrendered himself to the authorities while held at gunpoint.  Wilson proceeded to shoot Brown more than once until his body exhibited no signs of life.  Some people may say that Brown robbed a convenience store but Wilson did not respond to a call concerning this alleged crime.  In fact, there was speculation that the store owner did not believe that Brown was the male responsible for robbing the store.  Even with all of the speculation and the wondering, there is still no justice for Michael Brown’s murder.  Wilson did not stand trial nor was he fired.

     The same goes for the murder of Eric Garner.  On July 17, 2014, Eric Garner was approached by officer Justin Damico and other officers under the accusation that Garner was selling loose cigarettes.  After brief conversation, Damico put Garner in a chokehold to subdue him and this continued even Garner clearly stated the phrase, “I can’t breathe.”  The other officers acted as bystanders and said nothing about the murder and even made room for Garner as he fell to the ground from lack of oxygen.  Currently, he is still on the police force and did not stand trial for the heinous crime he committed five months ago.


Conclusion (True Democracy):

     The inequality of the cases have altered people to the point of madness, psychopathic, deranged and hysterical about the outcomes of these cases.  People are disgusted with the disregard of blatant murder that continues to not be addressed and they are tired of no changes being made.  Since the 1770’s, the Constitution has not changed in terms of justice if we still have crimes without sentences like these.  If we truly are to progress as a nation, we have to press pass the old biases and prejudices of the Civil War and work toward creating a new era of democracy where everyone is truly equal in every aspect of the word.


If you crave a more condensed version of my chapter you can go to this link where I explain everything in a nutshell.

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